Reduce wear on your vehicle, save on gas, and have a less stressful commute.
A carpool is two or more commuters sharing the ride to work or school in their personal vehicles. Carpool participants work together to decide who drives, what time and where to meet, and what days to commute together.
Carpooling is a terrific way to reduce wear on your vehicle, save on gas and have a less stressful commute. And the Iowa RideShare matching service is free! There is no minimum number of days you are required to commute. Even once a week helps save money, reduce stress and ease traffic. If your schedule varies, you could even join more than one carpool.
To use CorridorRides’ free carpool service – Iowa RideShare – click the button above to register.
Fill out your profile completely, including your destination, days you travel, if you’re willing to drive, etc. Iowa RideShare will find other registered commuters who match.
If you don’t find compatible commuters on the first try, keep checking every week or so. Commuters can join Iowa RideShare at any time.
Successful carpooling requires that all carpool members set and agree to some basic rules. Here are 10 tips to smooth the way.
Decide who will drive on which days. Some carpools rotate driving responsibilities among all or a few members. It's easy.

Establish clear in-car policies (for example, smoking, type and volume of music, food and drinks).
Establish a chain of communication. Identify one person as the carpool leader.
Establish a clear and easy arrangement for adjusting plans if there are problems such as illness or car trouble. Each member of the carpool should have the others’ home and work phone numbers. Establish who is to be called when.
Drive responsibly, wear seat belts and keep vehicles in good repair. Avoid excessive speed, and never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Determine the schedule and route, including pickup/drop-off points and where to meet for the trip home. Choose a mutually convenient location. Stick to the schedule, and make sure everyone is notified of changes.
If carpool members do not share the driving equally, decide how driving expenses will be shared and agree on payment dates.
Decide how long the driver will wait for a passenger. No more than 2 or 3 minutes is the norm.
Agree that the carpool is for a single purpose – commuting to and from work. Do not let it become a shopping or errand service, unless all members agree.
Check with your auto insurance agent and make sure you have the coverage you need for carpooling. Make sure all carpool members are aware of it.