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What is the CorridorRides Dial-a-Ride service?This is a public transit service available to anyone needing a ride for any purpose. It is different from a city bus service in that the buses don’t run “routes” but instead make a schedule each day to pick up and drop off passengers at a variety of locations.
What kind of buses does CorridorRides use?The majority of CorridorRides Dial-a-Ride buses are cut-away light-duty buses, similar to what many retirement homes use, that can seat up to 16 people. Minivans are also used for trips where there are only a few passengers or those that go a long distance.
Where does the service operate?The CorridorRides service operates in Benton, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, Linn, and Washington counties. Each county has a different provider for the service who is in charge of scheduling rides, dispatching buses and answering questions from the public. Although all the buses have CorridorRides logos, you will see they also say “Operated By” with its own county name. The names are Benton County Transportation, Iowa County Transportation, Johnson County SEATS, Jones County JETS, Linn County LIFTS and Washington County Minibus.
Who can ride this service?Everyone! The service is open to the public, and all you have to do is call the provider in your county to schedule a time and location. Note that in Linn and Johnson counties, if you live within ¾ mile of a city bus route (Cedar Rapids, Coralville or Iowa City), Dial-a-Ride service is a paratransit service for only the elderly and disabled riders.
When does the service operate?Each county provider has slightly different operating hours, but generally the hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
When does the service operate?Each county provider has slightly different operating hours, but generally the hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Who are the providers for each county?Please see the Rural Dial-a-Ride page for contact information for the provider in each county. Since many providers are affiliated with the county government, they will have their own webpage to find out more detailed information.
Can I ride the bus if I have special needs?Absolutely. All buses and minivans have either wheelchair lifts or ramps, and all drivers are trained to be sensitive to unique and special needs of a variety of users.
How much does it cost to use this service?Each county has its own rates, but generally a short ride will be less than $5. Longer distance trips do cost more but are still relatively affordable. Because this is a public transit service, funding from the federal, state and local governments helps keep costs down for the users. Please visit the website of the county provider to find detailed pricing.
What if I need to travel to a different county?Please contact the provider for more information on their availability, but travel across county lines happens all the time. Since these are usually longer trips, they end up costing a bit more, but if a bus is available, we will work with you to schedule a trip that meets your needs.
What if I need a ride on a regular basis? Is there a way to schedule a ride every week?Yes. If you’d like to set up an ongoing ride on a regular basis (say, 10 a.m. every Tuesday/Thursday), we can accommodate that, and it makes it easier for us to schedule your trips when you’d like them. Contact the local provider for more details.
What other options are there for getting to Cedar Rapids or Iowa City?Many other options exist. Linn and Johnson counties each have a Mobility Coordinator that specializes in helping people find the best transportation option for them and would be glad to assist you. For Linn County, contact Terry Bergen at or (319) 892-5172. For Johnson County, contact Kelly Schneider at or (319) 356-6090, or visit the website
Who does the driving?In some carpools, each carpool member takes turns driving their own vehicle, while in others there is only one driver. There is no hard and fast rule - it is totally dependent upon the individual circumstances of those in your carpool.
What if I don't have a car?No problem. When you are registering to carpool simply indicate that you wish to be a passenger only.
How much should carpool passengers pay?This is perhaps one of the key questions asked by potential carpoolers and, unfortunately, there is no simple answer. In carpools where driving is equally shared, no money usually changes hands as each member is using their personal vehicle an equal amount of time. When only one person does the driving, or when there is an unequal split of driving responsibilities, the cost-sharing arrangement must be discussed by those in the carpool. The carpool members are free to base the costs on whatever they may choose.
How much will I save by carpooling?Depending on your vehicle and driving patterns, the cost per mile of driving a vehicle can range from $0.60 to over $1.20 per mile. If you can share in the cost of commuting to and from work by carpooling with others, your potential savings are significant.
How much will I save by carpooling?Depending on your vehicle and driving patterns, the cost per mile of driving a vehicle can range from $0.60 to over $1.20 per mile. If you can share in the cost of commuting to and from work by carpooling with others, your potential savings are significant.
Do I have to carpool every day?No! You can carpool every day or only a few days a week. You and your carpool members decide upon the schedule. Some people even belong to two carpools - you may carpool with one carpool on Mondays and Wednesdays and then join a second carpool for the remainder of the week.
What do I do if the people that match with me with don't really live that close to me?It takes time for people to register and to populate the database. If you don't find any compatible partners on the first try, come back again in a week or two and check for additional potential partners.
What happens if I'm sick?Call your carpool partner or follow the chain of communication that has been decided upon at your initial meeting. If you're the driver, try to give as much advance warning as possible.
What happens if I oversleep or am late?Being late, or having to wait longer than anticipated, is one of the most common reasons why carpools fail. Just like a bus, carpools work best when they are on a defined schedule. Being on-time is just as important in a carpool as it is with transit. Each carpool should have clearly defined guidelines for how long they will wait.
What if I have a doctor's appointment or errands to run before, after, or during work?Schedule your appointments on the days you don't carpool. Sharing a ride on those days may not make sense.
What if I have to drive my child to day care or school?If the other members of your carpool don't have similar arrangements, make the day-care center or the school your pick-up and drop-off point. That way you can schedule your pick-up time to correspond to the time when you know your child is happily settled in for the day. Note: If you are going to have a pick-up/drop-off point different than your home postal code, just make sure you enter the origin and destination address of the location where you would like to be picked up and dropped off.
What if I have to work late?If you know you have to work late on a particular day then don't carpool. Carpooling is meant to be a flexible and convenient arrangement. On those days when it is not convenient, commute to work in another manner. Take the bus, your bike, walk or bring your own car.
What if my carpool isn't working out?Give your present carpool sufficient notice that you will be leaving. Go back to the search feature to find a new carpool partner and try again.
What is a CorridorRides vanpool?A vanpool is a carpool taken a step further. Five to 12 commuters ride together to and from work in a fully equipped passenger van. CorridorRides works in tandem with Enterprise RideShare to offer the vanpool service to the East Central Iowa Region region.
Why do you use Enterprise?More than 100,000 people use Enterprise for VanPooling. They are set up through their RideShare program to easily get VanPools on the road. They also help with any vehicle issues.
How much does it cost per month?The average VanPool fee per user is $84 per month. For a limited time, CorridorRides has provided an incentive, so you may not pay any fee or a very small fee the first two months of your VanPool. Fees do change depending on the vehicle selected and ridership.
I spend less than $70 per month in gas when driving alone. Would vanpooling really save me money?VanPooling saves more than just gas money; it also reduces wear and tear on your personal vehicle and routine maintenance, insurance and parking costs. On average, riders with CorridorRides can save $3,375 per year.
I don’t know 5 to 12 people living and working in my area who share the same hours. What can I do?We’ll match you with interested commuters who have similar travel patterns. Simply fill out the online registration at or call 800-VAN-4-WORK.
What happens if I VanPool to work and I get sick at work or if there is an emergency at home? What happens if I must leave early or stay late?Whether it’s a looming project deadline or an unforeseen emergency, the Guaranteed Ride Home program gives you the flexibility you need for a last-minute change in schedule. Call 800-VAN-4-WORK for more details.
Who drives the VanPool and where will we meet?An approved volunteer from the group drives the van. The van stays in possession of the group at all times. Once the group is formed, Enterprise works with you to find a convenient, central location for all VanPoolers to meet.
Does the VanPool go to people’s houses to pick them up?No. VanPoolers meet in a designated central location. This is where their cars will be left during the day when the van is in use. The VanPool group can arrange multiple pickup points if agreed upon by the entire group.
Who keeps the van when it is not in use?Each group decides where the van will be kept. The driver may keep the van for limited personal use.
How is maintenance handled?Enterprise covers both minor and major repairs, as well as all scheduled servicing. Enterprise will coordinate with a local vendor for van servicing. If the van needs to be kept in a shop overnight, Enterprise will provide a loaner vehicle in most instances. This includes no "out-of-pocket" money, since the shops bill Enterprise directly.
Do I have to lease or buy the vehicle?No. All VanPools are rented on a month-to-month basis for complete flexibility as ridership fluctuates.
How is road construction related to CorridorRides?The Department of Transportation and ECICOG are working to reduce the congestion on Interstate 380 during the construction period and beyond. The short-term goal is for construction, the long-term goal is cleaner air, less congestion, safer roads and an overall workforce savings.
When I search the Enterprise RideShare site, the system says there’s no vanpool match for me. What can I do?As more people are added to the vanpool database, the chances of finding a match for you will increase. From the search results page, click on “Notify Me” to receive a message if a match is made later. In the meantime, please encourage friends and coworkers to register so the system can continue to make vanpool matches. You can also form your own vanpool if you know friends or colleagues who work nearby and have the same work hours as you.
My employees are interested in setting up a vanpool but I don’t want any headaches if something goes wrong. What are my responsibilities with the vanpool program?As an employer, your involvement with the vanpool can be as minimal as you choose. Many employers limit their role to only sharing information about the vanpool with their employees, and some employers choose to have a more active role by offering vanpools as a benefit. Your employees can decide if they want to participate and contact Enterprise RideShare to get started. And because our program is run by Enterprise, employers have no legal liability in case of incidents on the road or vehicle damage. Enterprise’s insurance coverage includes Auto Liability and Uninsured Motorist. Physical Damages to the vehicle are provided for in the agreement.
Where can I buy tickets?Single trip tickets can be purchased from the driver. Please use exact change as change will not be provided. Advance tickets can be purchased using the “Token Transit” app (available in the Apple Store and the Google Play Store.) Passengers purchasing through the Token Transit app will have a ticket barcode in the app. Please do not activate this ticket until you are boarding the bus (tickets will expire within 30 minutes of activation).
Can I reserve a seat in advance?Seat reservations are not available on the 380 Express. Reliability is key to customers being satisfied with the service and returning to use it again and again. As a commuter service, the closely spaced departure times for 380 Express allow the service to accommodate passengers more easily. 380 Express also has a spare bus available which can be deployed to meet peaks in customer demand.
Can I Cancel My Trip After Ticket Purchase?Cancellations for refund will not be accepted for 380 Express service. Token Transit app tickets will be valid for up to six months from purchase date and can be used on any 380 Express trips within the six month period. Once a ticket has been used the designated number of times (whether 1, 10, or monthly) the ticket is no longer valid, regardless of the expiration date.
Can I use my 10-punch ticket for group travel?Multi ride tickets are only intended for individual use by frequent 380 Express riders. Multi-ride tickets may not be used for group purchases. For group travel, please purchase the necessary amount of single-ride tickets.
Can I purchase a ticket for someone else with the Token Transit app?The token transit app allows anyone to easily purchase and send tickets from the following link: Just select the pass type and enter the phone number of the person you would like to send to. If they do not already have the Token Transit app, they will be sent a link to download the app and the pass you sent will be pre-loaded and ready to use once they open the app.
How do I download and use the Token Transit app?Simply click here or find it in the Apple App Store for iPhone devices and in the Google Play Store for Android devices. This app allows users to easily purchase passes without having to find exact change, and offers multiple ride passes at a discounted rate. To use a ticket purchased with Token Transit, simply activate the pass shortly before boarding the bus and show the screen of your mobile device to the driver. The images for the passes change frequently so the driver will know what images to look for, and if you are utilizing a discounted senior or disabled pass you may be required to show the driver ID for verification.
What amenities are equipped on the 380 Express buses?All coaches in the 380 Express service are equipped with free WIFI, 110V power outlets and USB ports, restroom, and reclining seats with 3-point seat belts. There is also a wheelchair lift with two wheelchair securement areas on each coach.
Who should I contact if I want to be a 380 Express driver?You should contact Windstar Lines at 319-362-0375, or begin the online process HERE.
Can I Bring Luggage on the 380 Express?Up to two small, personal items may be brought on the bus and stored in overhead bins or underneath the seat in front of you. Larger pieces of luggage may be stored in the baggage compartment under the bus. You may bring one piece of luggage to stow underneath the bus.
Food/Beverage PolicyYou may bring food and non-alcoholic beverages on the 380 Express buses. We recommend using non-spill beverage containers as well as avoiding foods with sauces that may spill on the seats. Please make sure to throw your trash away when exiting the bus.
Drug/Alcohol PolicyNo alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs may be consumed while on board a 380 Express bus. Smoking and vaping of any kind are also not allowed, and passengers violating this policy will be removed from the bus.
I will be traveling with infants / small children. Are the seats equipped to handle car seats? Is there storage available on the bus for strollers?The seats will have seatbelts that allow for car seats to be strapped in. There are also luggage compartments on the outside of bus that provide room for strollers and other necessary equipment to be stored.
Can my child travel alone on 380 Express?Any children under the age of 16 will not be allowed to travel alone. All children 15 years and under must be accompanied by an adult 18 year of age or older. This is for the safety of your child.
Policy regarding service animals and petsPets are not allowed on 380 Express buses. Service animals are allowed on 380 Express buses. Passengers must always disclose the presence of a service animal or emotional support animal to the driver, prior to boarding the bus. Failure to disclose this information may be grounds for removal from the bus.
Does the 380 Express provide service on holidays?The 380 Express does not run on the following holidays: New Year's Day Memorial Day July 4th Labor Day Thanksgiving Christmas Day Service does run the day after thanksgiving, but with a modified route around the University of Iowa Hospitals due to a home football game at Kinnick Stadium. Route will run along Newton Road on this day only instead of Hawkins Drive.
I left something behind on the bus. How can I retrieve it?For lost item inquiries, please call our Customer Service line at 319-362-0375 or email Please provide the customer service representative with as much detail as possible about your lost item so that we can effectively identify your belongings. We do not send items with drivers, so you must come and retrieve your item from our Windstar Lines office in Cedar Rapids: 9220 Wright Brothers Court SW.
Who operates the 380 Express?380 Express is managed by the East Central Iowa Council of Governments (ECICOG). ECICOG has contracted with Windstar Lines, Inc. to operate the bus service for all 380 Express Routes.
Fare and ticketing policiesPolicies available to view on Fares & Tickets page here.
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